Meet the incredible new DIY kitchen drawer essential to tackle any kind of “I don’t have time for this to be broken” moments in and out of your home.
Simply dunk FixIts into kettle boiled water for 1 minute (60ºC+), remove it, pinch off what you need and get fixing!
FixIts hardens as it cools so keep it warm (with a hairdryer, or by dipping it back into hot water) if you want to keep fixing. Or if you want to speed up your fix expose FixIts to cold air or water.
FixIts is your convenient, easy go-to product that can be used almost anywhere without mess or fuss.
Super strong, eco-friendly, long lasting, non-toxic, quick, easy to use, money saving, endlessly resuable and with no expiry...the list goes on!
This February half-term, how about a little fixing fun? Fix up your things, mend broken toys, make wiggly pencil tops, whatever you do, have fun with it. Fixing is a fantastic lifelong habit - it's good for the planet, it's good for the wallet. Get them started young, we say!
Even more fun, our Toy Fixing Kit Bundle includes a lovely pouch, for keeping all the loose bits tidy.
You inspire us endlessly, you really do. FixIts has endless uses, and is endlessly reusable, but still, you folks just win us over every time you find a new fix for your FixIts sticks.
Check out these Fab Feb Fixes from fellow FixIts fans around the world. Time saved, money saved, waste saved. Tick, tick, tick.