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We know how it is. Football's on the telly, the Olympics are round the corner. After all that rain, it's finally good enough to go outside and do something fun yourself, maybe even sporty, except...

All the stuff in your shed's a bit shoddy. Cobwebs everywhere. You dust it all off. Your bike helmet's seen better days. The cricket set's two bails short of an over. Your favourite swimming goggles (which shouldn't even be in the shed) are broken.

Be a good sport, don't replace this stuff. Just FixIts it. It saves you time and money. Plus you're helping the planet a bit, too.

Smash this summer, with FixIts.

Bail yourself out

You open the cricket set from last year and everything's there - except the bails! Don't worry, it's not all 'over' yet. Get creative with some leftover FixIts and make your own. Saves you the hassle of nipping back to the shops, too.

Helmet yeh!

For any non-structural fixes required for a bike helmet (like the top bit here), it's OK to use a bit of FixIts and make a cosmetic fix. Obviously if it's been dented, you need to get a new one.

Goggly eyed

FixIts is so good at helping you save money. Swimming goggles can often be quite expensive! Broken nose bridge? Use a bit of your FixIts to keep your goggles in play for another summer.

This February half-term, how about a little fixing fun? Fix up your things, mend broken toys, make wiggly pencil tops, whatever you do, have fun with it. Fixing is a fantastic lifelong habit - it's good for the planet, it's good for the wallet. Get them started young, we say! 

Even more fun, our Toy Fixing Kit Bundle includes a lovely pouch, for keeping all the loose bits tidy.

You inspire us endlessly, you really do. FixIts has endless uses, and is endlessly reusable, but still, you folks just win us over every time you find a new fix for your FixIts sticks. 

Check out these Fab Feb Fixes from fellow FixIts fans around the world. Time saved, money saved, waste saved. Tick, tick, tick.

A very useful email involving chopsticks and FixIts!
