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One of the reasons I created FixIts is because I love spending time with my kids, mending stuff.

There's nothing better than working on a project together, from start to finish, identifying and solving a problem, learning new skills, making mistakes (and fixing them), and watching my kids grow in the process.

If you happen to be looking for gift ideas, our Father's Day Bundle is great for those lucky Dads who love to think outside the box.

Fixing a wobbly ironing board

Bored of your wobbly ironing board? Watch how our founder, and father of two, Chris Lefteri, irons out this everyday problem.

Adding missing chair foot

Chris doesn't just make fixing this chair foot look easy. It is easy!

(OK, he's pretty good at it, too.)

Shed hooks loved by dads

Dads love sheds. And therefore dads love shed hooks. They're really fun to make using a hairdryer to create two key bends. As Chris says, "Job done."

Bet you can't wait to get away? It's been a busy time, huh? You totally deserve it. Which is why, in the fun build up to packing, you don't want to waste any time getting in new summer stuff. Just FixIts any last-minute bits (like these ideas below). And don't forget to pack your FixIts sticks for any quick edits away from home.
FixIts is amazing for sorting out your camp gear, whether you're getting in a quick weekend away, organising a spontaneous picnic, or heading off to a festival. Spruce up your stuff, rather than replace, recycle or bin it. It saves you time and money, and helps out nature a bit too.
We know how it is. Football's on the telly, the Olympics are round the corner. After all that rain, it's finally good enough to go outside and do something fun yourself, maybe even sporty, except... All the stuff in your shed's a bit shoddy. Cobwebs everywhere. You dust it all off. Your bike helmet's seen better days. The cricket set's two bails short of an over. Your favourite swimming goggles (which shouldn't even be in the shed) are broken. Be a good sport, don't replace this stuff. Just FixIts it. It saves you time and money. Plus you're helping the planet a bit, too.
