To celebrate Mother’s Day this year, we thought we’d ask some of the amazing women of FixIts about their repair habits. We were so fascinated, and inspired, by what they said. Enjoy.
Interview with Jude
What's your favourite FixIts stick colour and why?
Turquoise because it reminds me of the ocean. It also cheers me up when I see it around the house on things I’ve fixed.
Have you always been into fixing? What’s your most recent FixIts fix?
My Dad taught me DIY from a young age so now that I am a Mum it comes naturally to me. I am also very aware of our environmental impact and if I can extend the life of something, then brilliant!
My latest Fixits Fix was my sports watch strap which luckily is turquoise!

Interview with Fiona
What's your favourite FixIts stick colour and why?
White. Because it’s flexible.
Have you always been into fixing? What’s your most recent FixIts fix?
I love DIY. I fixed the feet of my draining board wrack very successfully.
Are you part of a new generation of supermums taking on repairs, or have women always been the fixers?
Women are always fixing anything and everything and are great problem solvers.
Why is fixing stuff important to you?
I hate throwing things away and love repairing, reusing and repurposing all sorts of items both practically and creatively.
Interview with Joanna
What's your favourite FixIts stick colour and why?
Green because it works well in all the plant pots – hides nicely!
Have you always been into fixing? What’s your most recent FixIts fix?
It makes sense economically and environmentally. Recently, I used more of my green stick to make little tabs for my plant pots with details on the plants’ needs.
Are you part of a new generation of supermums taking on repairs, or have women always been the fixers?
Men make a big deal out of DIY and fixing cars, but women have been quietly getting on repairing everything from clothing to their kids' broken hearts since day one.
Why is fixing stuff important to you?
We don't live on a disposable planet, so we shouldn't treat everything in our lives like it can just be replaced. Besides, it's a lovely sense of achievement to bring something back from broken!
Interview with Suzy
What's your favourite FixIts stick colour and why?
When I see orange I smell citrus fruits, it reminds me of the seasons summer and autumn and also the sun!
Have you always been into fixing? What’s your most recent FixIts fix?
I used to watch my Dad tinker and fix motorbikes, I used to fix pens for people in my class at school. I loved taking things apart and trying to fix them. I then stopped tinkering but recently got back into it when I started working at an Art and Design University which inspired me to get back into fixing, it really helps to understand how things work.
I fixed my bike (Gerty) I lost the nut and bolt that fixed the mudguard to the wheel frame so used Fixits to hold the metal in place. It worked a treat, thanks!
Are you part of a new generation of supermums taking on repairs, or have women always been the fixers?
Women have always been fixers. I just think we have been discouraged as it was always thought of as a man’s job. We started up a group at my old workplace for young women to have a go at using tools like drills. It was great to give young women the confidence to have a go at using tools in a safe non-judgmental space.
Why is fixing stuff important to you?
To understand how it was made firstly but also because a lot of the materials are rare and we should all have the right to repair. I recently read the book, The toaster Project, by Thomas Thwaites. It’s amazing the lengths Thomas goes to to build what we think is a simple everyday appliance.... a lot of the materials are super difficult to extract and tend to be a very scientific, machinery heavy process of making. Also there is no such thing as 'away', our stuff always ends up somewhere that is probably damaging to the place and people where it gets thrown to!
Interview with Alison
What's your favourite FixIts stick colour and why?
Orange – it’s my favourite colour.
Have you always been into fixing? What’s your most recent FixIts fix?
Pretty much, Dad showed me how to do things, bought me a drill for Christmas and a job lot of screws. I think it's important that I know how to do the basics. Recently I used FixIts to fill a hole in a very old wall, so I could drill into it to put up a shelf. Worked a treat! I have an old house with dodgy walls, so often end up with old plaster falling out, so I mould a bit of FixIts in there and then screw into that. Makes it much more secure.
Are you part of a new generation of supermums taking on repairs, or have women always been the fixers?
Think women have always been fixers, I have to be or nothing would ever get done around my house and I can't afford to pay for someone to do the odd jobs.
Why is fixing stuff important to you?
Lots of reasons! Financial - there isn't a lot to spare, so I don't want to spend on something new if I don't have to. Environmental - I hate seeing things go to waste, I've been involved with my local Repair Cafe for this reason, so many things work perfectly well with a little fix. Sometimes Emotional - there are things that I've fixed that have a sentimental attachment.